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The beginning of The Kats In The Hall was when there was a home with 3 cats. A meow with 2 cats moved in then, a year later another meow moved in with one cat meow 6 cats in all. There is never a dull meow in our happy home

My human meowed in with her sister whom has 3 cats. That's when all the meow began. My name is Lucy. I mainly stay to meow in my room hanging out with my human and County. County is my human's other cat. The 3 of us joined  the other humans and cats a little over a meow ago. It has been a meow figuring out who is the boss and all.


Venus thinks she is queen because she has been here the longest. I didn't like her at 1st because she would stalk and pick fights with me but, for the most part we get along pretty well now.

Siggy is nice meow of the time, but he doesn't see meow. it's easy to accidentally startle him. He hates when he's startled & will growl and hiss at you if you do it.


Lloyd is nice and even meow cute. He likes to pick fights with County though, so County doesn't like him very much. I think Lloyd is jealous because Venus likes County.


Diva came here last when the main human's mother in law moved in. Diva freaks out if anyone says "boo" to here. I don't know why she is like this, but she mainlly stays to herself of hangs out w/ a human.

My human bought a camera and said that we (us cats) are going to be Youtube viral sensations and we will each be a meme. I have always thought that fame was in my future. Who knows? I guess we'll see.

Recently my hooman got Zoey (a cat puppet) for her birthday. I find her very annoying.

as told by Lucy

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